When a new life arrives, both the mother and baby require the best possible care and attention.
New mothers, in particular, need to consume sufficient nutrients to ensure physical recovery and breastfeeding needs.
With the postnatal meal service from Cascent Signature Service, new mothers can enjoy balanced, delicious, and nutritious meals to support their well-being.
Our menu is carefully crafted by registered dietitians to tailor the different nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers according to your body's needs during various postpartum stages. Not only can it help you recover quickly, but it can also aid in managing your figure.
Our team of professional chefs uses high-quality ingredients to prepare delicious dishes that meet the nutritional consumption standards set by Health Canada as well as your personal preferences, ensuring a balanced and satisfying meal.
We also provide personalized services to adjust the menu based on your dietary habits, health conditions, or specific requirements, to meet the unique needs of each new mother.
Cascent is dedicated to delivering quality services and an enjoyable culinary experience.
Our postpartum meal service is your best guarantee for postpartum recovery, while enjoying this period with your baby and maintaining good health!